Welcome to St. John’s! We are excited to have you here. 

At our 10:15 service, this is a brief outline of what you can expect. 

When you arrive at our campus, there is parking to your right in the gravel area, and also straight ahead in our main parking lot. 

If you have children (preschool-age 12), they are welcome in our Godly Play classroom. You can read more about this program here. There is also a craft table in the back of the church, as well as a nursery, and carpeted area with soft toys for babies and toddlers to the right of the altar. 

As you enter the church, you will be welcomed by our greeters and given a program by our ushers. These are church volunteers who help keep our services running smoothly. If interested, you can read more about these positions here. The paper program you are given contains an order of service, as well as necessary page numbers. 

Once seated, you will find in the back of the seat in front of you a red prayer book (the Book of Common Prayer) and a blue hymnal. Page numbers for the hymns and liturgy are listed in your program. 

After the peace, there will be a brief moment for any announcements about upcoming events or congregation updates. Additionally, at this time, the Rector will bless those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries. 

At communion, an usher will direct you to the altar. The congregation usually files through the center aisle to then kneel at the altar. The Rector and eucharistic ministers will offer you the Eucharist. Depending on your level of comfort, you can opt for a blessing by crossing your arms over your chest, or you can choose to receive. If you would like your bread intincted (dipped in the wine) you can indicate this by pointing to the chalice. 

After the service has ended, you are welcome to join us in the Parish Life Center (the big building by the parking lot) for socializing and a snack at coffee hour. Here, congregation members volunteer as bakers or hosts to facilitate fun and fellowship.

After your time with us, if you have questions or desire any further information, please feel free to reach out! Whatever your reasons for visiting, we are enriched by your presence with us. Our congregation gets stronger with every visitor and new member, and we are thankful for the opportunity to share this beautiful and holy space.